On November 10, 2023, at about 9:00 AM, personnel of AKG led by PLTCOL VICKY P PABULA C,PIO, and PMAJ ROMAN SALAZAR JR, Asst. C, IEFLD in coordination with Barangay Captain Jojo Cruz and the assistance of PMAJ Rodiard Dela Peña, OIC San Mateo MPS, conducted lectures on Role of the Police and the Barangay in Kidnapping For Ransom (KFR) prevention held at Barangay Hall, Guitnang Bayan 1, San Mateo which were attended by 50 participants from BPATs members and Force Multipliers of said Barangay. Likewise, this Group also distributed food packs and slippers to the residents of Barangay Guitnang Bayan 1.